card sanatate
Health Card
We would like to inform you regarding the new system that is implemented by the National Health Insurance House.
First of all, you can check online to see if you are insured or not. All third country nationals that pay for their insurance on a regular basis, that have a work contract, the children, students under 26 years old, retired people etc. should be included in the Electronic Health Insurance Platform, so we recommend you to check your status here:
For this you need to introduce your personal identification number from your stay permit in the CNP cell, you leave blank the CID cell, you introduce the number you can see in the box in the Numar de verificare cell, and then press Cauta (Search).
The following message will come out:
Serviciul Web a întors următoarul mesaj: (The web service issued the following message :)
• Persoana selectată este/nu este asigurată (The selected person is/is not insured)
Ultima înscriere la un medic de familie: 02.06.2001(the last registration at the family doctor: the date)
Secondly, all the insured people will receive in the following weeks, or have already received a card (similar with a bank card) that will contain your personal data and your health record. Once you receive it, you will have to see your family doctor in order to activate it and to receive a PIN code (remember that the PIN code is strictly private and should not be shared with anybody). When you see the family doctor, you need to take with you both the card and the letter that will come with it. On this letter, you have to fill in some questions regarding the information that you want to be available on the card. Your doctor can provide you more information concerning this questions and why this information are needed.
We have translated this letter, and you have it attached in both Romanian and English. You can agree/disagree with all or just some of the information/questions, so please read it carefully before signing it.
In case you changed your address since the last visit to the Health Insurances House or to your family doctor, it is possible that the postman took the card to your previous address and did not find you. So you should check on the previous address, or you can go in a month from now to take your card from the Insurance House (for Bucharest is CASMB). If the postman will not find you at home to handle you the card, he might leave in your mail box a notice to go to the post office to pick-up the card from there.
Please make sure that you get and you activate this card, because in a few months you will not be able to benefit from public health services without it.
If you have problems in finding your card, or for any other questions, feel free to contact us via email or at 0721560559 / 0752576697
Cardul de sanatate
Dorim sa va informam in legatura cu noul sistem implementat de Casa Nationala de Asigurari de Sanatate. In primul rand, puteti verifica online daca sunteti sau nu asigurati. Toti cetatenii straini care isi platesc asigurarea in mod constant, care au un contract de munca, copiii si studentii pana in 26 de ani, pensionarii, etc. ar trebui sa apara automat ca asigurati pe Platforma Electronica aAsigurarilor de Sanatate, asa ca va recomandam sa va verificati statusul aici:
[Pentru aceasta trebuie sa va introduceti CNP-ul de pe permisul de sedere, celula cu CID va ramane neinscriptionata, introduceti numarul din caseta cu Numar de Verificare si apasati Cauta]
Urmatorul mesaj va aparea:
Serviciul Web a întors următoarul mesaj:
• Persoana selectată este/nu este asigurată
• Ultima înscriere la un medic de familie: 02.06.2001
In al doilea rand, toate persoanele asigurate vor primi pe parcursul saptamanilor viitoare, sau au primit deja, un card (similar cardurilor bancare) care va contine informatiile personale si istoricul dumneavoastra medical. Odata ce primiti cardul, va trebui sa mergeti la medicul de familie pentru a il activa si pentru a primi un cod PIN (amintiti-va ca nu trebuie sa divulgate nimanui acest cod). Cand mergeti la medicul de familie, va trebui sa aveti cu dumneavoastra atat cardul cat si documentul care l-a insotit. Pe acest document va trebui sa raspundeti la cateva intrebari referitoare la informatiile care vreti sa fie disponibile pe card. Medicul de familie va va oferi mai multe informatii referitoare la aceste intrebari si la motivul pentru care vi se solicita aceste informatii.
Am tradus aceast document, el fiind atasat acestui email atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza. Puteti sa va dati/sa nu va dati acordul pentru a oferi informatiile solicitate sau raspunsuri la intrebarile adresate, deci va rugam sa le cititi cu atentie inainte de a semna.
In cazul in care v-ati schimbat adresa de la ultima vizita intreprinsa la Casa de Asigurari de Sanatate sau la medicul de familie, este posibil ca postasul sa fi incercat sa va livreze cardul la adresa avuta anterior. Deci ar trebui sa verificati la adresa respectiva, sau sa mergeti intr-o luna din acest moment la Casa de Asigurari de Sanatate (pentru cei din Bucuresti la CASMB) pentru a va ridica de acolo cardul. Daca postasul nu va gaseste acasa, este posibil ca acesta sa lase o instiintare in cutia postala si, intr-un anumit termen de timp puteti lua cardul de la posta.
Va rugam sa va asigurati ca luati si activati acest card, deoarece, peste cateva luni, nu veti mai putea sa beneficiati de servicii medicale fara acesta.
Daca intampinati probleme in a va procura cardul sau daca aveti orice alte intrebari, va rugam sa ne contactati prin email sau la telefon 0721560559 / 0752576697.
Nr. | Nume fisier | Dimensiune | Fisier |
1 | Letter concerning health insurance card | 110 KB |
2 | Scrisoare cu privire la cardul de sănătate | 142 KB |