
Our organization appeared in 1996, as an agency for implementing the projects of Swiss Labor Assistance (which later became SOLIDAR Suisse) in the fields of services for the labor market, unions’ modernization, and social dialogue in Romania.

In 2000, we created the Association for Organization Development SAH ROM (ADO SAH ROM), a non-governmental organization registered in the Registry of Associations and Foundations in Romania.

The Association for Organization Development SAH ROM (ADO SAH ROM) is an independent organization, established in 2000 as a non-lucrative legal person. SOLIDAR Suisse, one of our founding members, is a Swiss non-governmental organization having over 70 years of experience in humanitarian aid and cooperation for development.

Our experience, earned since 2000 as an agency for implementing projects in the field of labor market, social dialogue, and organization development, was enriched with a new area of expertise – migration – through the projects carried out in partnership with Romanian organizations or the European network SOLIDAR and its members.

Until 2015, ADO SAH ROM carried out activities for information, raising awareness, research, advocacy, and monitoring public policies, facilitated citizens’ access to services, and promoted the interests of different social groups.

In September 2015, at its anniversary for 15 years of activity, ADO SAH ROM redefined its purpose, mission, and vision, changed its registered office and changed its name into the Association for Dialogue, Employment and Migration CONECT. Briefly, CONECT Association.